Dünyada Mekan
A free co-working space and a solidarity network for white-collar workers, freelancers and grassroots organizations

Sectoral and labour organisations focusing on white-collar workers and freelancers, individuals.
Dünyada Mekan (A Place in the World) consists in a free working space equipped with a kitchen available from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm every day, for white-collar workers and freelancers who, due to the peculiarities of their work, experience isolation and precariousness. As a platform of solidarity, Dünyada Mekan can be used also as a place for gathering during evening times, it hosts other groups who are active in movement building and in the alternative solidarity economies such as Plaza Eylem Platformu and Kaç bize gel. The constituents of the space organise several workshops on video editing, visual design and translation to share their skills with each other, in addition to some other activities such as talks, screenings and presentations. The meetings function as tools for drawing attention to the problematics related to precarious working conditions and isolation, as well as whether these conditions have an effect on individual lives and how.
To create a solidarity network among freelancers who are usually in high competition due to the precariousness of their work. To open a discussion about freelance work in sharing the issues arising in relations with the employers. To minimise the isolation of freelance workers in providing a free office space, activities, hosting other organisations and creating networking possibilities among peers.
Beneficial outcomes
Dünyada Mekan has a core group of around 10 people who regularly use the space and around 100 people who gather occasionally for the other activities. The project does not require a membership, it is completely run on a volunteer basis. Grassroots organisations can use the space for their meetings and activities.
Freelance and white collar workers especially specialising on translation, publishing, teaching, NGO’s, arts and culture, informatics; unemployed, grassroots organisations of ecology and migration.
Maintained by
Donations from the members of Dünyada Mekan Collective, twice per year a 'solidarity party' is organized to raise funds.
2015 - ongoing
Urban Development