Mejor Vida Corp (Better Live Corporation)
A non-profit corporation that questions the capitalistic economic system creating, promoting and distributing products and services for free

Minerva Cuevas
Mejor Vida Corp (M.V.C.) is a non-profit corporation that creates, promotes and distributes products and services for free. Besides, they can be delivered anywhere in the world without charge. Among a variety of goods, M.V.C. provides subway tickets, safety pills, cheaper barcodes stickers, self-stamped envelopes, lottery cards, student identity cards or services like cleaning service, recommendation letters, etc.
M.V.C. explores and react on the general practices of the large corporations and institutions analysing every particular context like Mexico D.F., Toronto, Hasselt, Frankfurt, etc. MVC doesn't discriminate against gender, race, religion, sexual preferences or economic status.
To question the capitalistic economic system employing ordinary things and everyday issues, challenging the very idea of the artistic production and reversing the notions of commodification and profit.
Beneficial outcomes
M.V.C. has given away thousands of subway tickets in Mexico city's subway stations, and they have issued numerous student Identity cards. These student's Cards can be used internationally to obtain free or reduced museum admissions, public transportation, travel accommodation, discounts on airfares, as well as many other benefits. Besides, the website provides a printable barcode database for products of supermarkets chains in Mexico, Toronto, Ottawa and San Francisco. Every product from M.V.C. is reproducible by the users.
Mexico, United States, Canada, Belgium, Germany.
Minerva Cuevas, citizens
Maintained by
Minerva Cuevas, volunteers and those art Institutions that host the project
1997 - ongoing
Urban Development