Space on Earth Station
An alternative model and platform for exploring the spaces we inhabit on earth

Neal White, N55
A collaboration between artist Neal White and Danish Architects N55, the aim was to create an alternative model and platform for exploring the spaces we inhabit on earth. Drawing on The Whole Earth Catalogue, and a contemporary form of modular architecture proposed by N55 and based on the work of Peter Pearce, they built four modules in separate countries that could be shipped as cheaply as possible (based on the key measuremet of single euro-standard palettes that fit on lorries) and slotted them together on site. Through an online open call and submission process, they helped additional artists - Kayle Brandon, Alex Lockett and Marcus Ahlers, to create micro-projects that explored low cost approaches to a range of issues such as environmental sustainability, urban food gathering, solar power and urban farming. Alternative vehicles were constructed from recycled bicycle parts, a low cost wireless hive system was tested for communications, an informal bird village constructed from found signs used for selling property, and a bee- hive was installed. Space on Earth Station acted as a base and a lab, a space to sleep and work, to meet and discuss issues with members of the public.
To develop an experimental platform and temporary micro-community exploring issues such as environmental sustainability, urban food gathering, solar power and urban farming.
Beneficial outcomes
A deeper understanding of spaces people inhabit, forming of a transdisciplinary micro community and new knowledge developed and shared around key issues.
United Kingdom
Participating artists, scientists and visitors.
Urban Development