Zesde Kolonne-Flipside Art Space
A non-profit foundation providing space for artists to share, show and exchange project with the community

Luk Sponselee and others
Zesde Kolonne is a non-profit foundation that started in 1984 as a music (cassettes) and film label, providing space and organising activities and performances where artists, musicians, designers and different creative people could share, show and exchange their ideas with the community. The project began at the Activity Center 2B as an experimental factory of art and culture (formed by painters, artists, writers, musicians, etc). It was used for almost all the organisations based in Eindhoven in many different “unruly” ways (often with political content) from public theatre to punk, from world music to techno sessions, etc. Since 2007, Zesde Kolonne is located in the Art space Flipside. Until now, Flipside used part of the building, a former sports-hall, to offer cheap ateliers for artists, a bar, record studio, a concert’s space, Gallery, and different activities for the neighbourhood in coordination with the public library (located in the same building). Lately, they received a permit to use the whole location. They are building rehearsal studios, more ateliers, a green roof and a restaurant of green food in relation with the Art Gallery. Within their list of projects are examples such as Transart Festival (1999-2000) with some organisations from Austria and Croatia; Guerrilla Scope (1994), Mobile Art Connection (1998-99); Home Sweet Stratum (2000-2001) a film made by youth from Stratum; Workshop Fotografie Oude Stijl; OK-net (web archive-platform of art, music and video), the fanzine NTXT and others.
Expand the borders of the art and share creativity
Beneficial outcomes
Exchange of culture, lab of free expression and learning
The Netherlands
Founders: bands like VovoKai, Zwoek, MTVS, Afflict actief, painters E. de Smet and Frank Teeuwes, film makers as Luk Sponselee, Yvette Bolger and sound recordings of Kees de Groot en Pidah. Second step (since 1985): The Rose Frustrates, 35007, 69 Charger, The Super Dispencers, Spades, Shearer, 7 Zuma 7, Suimasen, Turbine, Zombies Under Stress, Hard Headed Soul, Steve Hubback. Inhabitants of Eindhoven, artists from Eindhoven, Tilburg, Den Bosch, Helmond, even Roermond, Breda and Antwerpen
Maintained by
Wooncooperatie Woonbedrijf, Gemeente Eindhoven
Urban Development